

Since when did London become so ugly and sinister? Since when did I not care, notice, or care to notice the blackness of London, the flipside of this gritty, urban and cosmopolitan city?
The tired and edgy businessman sipping his skinny latte with chocolate sprinkles, spewing his customer relations blabber even to his friends on the tube. A fat and grumpy looking track suit clad woman with Golden earings curtosy of Asda, frowning and pondering her Gemini Horoscope as if it were really complicated algebra. The eastern european men, who walk the streets very early in the morning, with their small rucksacks and huge heads. The sloanies, chatting on their motorola about who' s fucking who at the moment, in their faux arty dress, eating pret a manger salads (with no dressing of course) which will probably end up at the bottom of some toilet, forced out by the image of Kate Moss advertising Rimmel London. Old men and women dressed in beige, moaning about hooded children and getting mugged, before finaly appearing on the front page of the Daily Mail which reads the caption "Ethnic thugs batter old lady". The young woman walking towards you and who avoids all eye contact with any passers by, because of the sheer act of aggression it would represent if she looked at anyone.
The worst is it seems normal..

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